Matt Damon is Trending For Obeying Daughter’s Advice Not To Use”f-slur for a homosexual” ―Read Full Statement

Matt Damon to not use the f word for homosexuals

Matt Damon says the recent cultural change has taught him to “shut the f*** up more,” including “stopping” a homophobic insult from his lexicon.

The Oscar winner, 50, confesses in a new interview with the Sunday Times that he stopped using the “f-word” when one of his four children, whom he shares with wife Luciana, objected.

Julia Stiles: After The Bourne Ultimatum
came out, there was a premiere in London.
Prince actually came to it, then got tickets for
the cast to come see him [perform]. We were
summoned into a room to meet him [after the
show]. Matt said, “So you live in Minnesota? I
hear you live in Minnesota.”

Damon: Prince said, “I live inside my own
heart, Matt Damon.”

It was used in a different context when Damon was a child, the British publication reported. When I joked about it with my daughter some months ago, she responded with a treatise. She got up and walked away from the dining room table. This is a joke!’ I said. Stuck on You has me saying that.’ In her room, she composed a long, beautiful essay about how deadly that term is. ‘I retire the F-word,’ I replied, and she understood.”

A Lot of celebrities have reacted to Matt Damon’s comment. Here are some of them.

Other problematic statements by Damon were also discussed. Harvey Weinstein, the former film producer who helped launch Damon’s career and is now serving a 23-year jail sentence, has been accused of sexual misconduct. After receiving harsh criticism for his remarks in 2017, Damon said: “As the father of four daughters, this type of sexual predation keeps me up at night.” Fathers are not the only ones who should be outraged by Weinstein’s behavior, he understands now.

Affirming his own understanding of the reaction, he said: “I understand.” A reasonable point, I think. This action should disgust everyone.”

Aware of how rapidly his public statements may be made into news due to the shifting media landscape, Damon also said that “20 years ago, journalists paid more attention to music than lyrics while doing interviews.” It’s time to deconstruct your lyrics and create the greatest headline you can. Each and every one of us requires clicks.”

Amanda Knox has criticised Stillwater for taking liberties with Amanda Knox’s personal pain. The Stillwater star told the newspaper that the heightened media scrutiny has made him more careful when he speaks.

When Damon was younger, his words had little impact on the news cycle. This change, on the other hand, may be a positive thing. “Therefore, I’ve been quieter.”

Damon recently spoke on the relationship he has with both of his daughters in a recent interview. CBS Sunday Morning interviewed him last month and found out that his children are among of his toughest critics. When it comes to seeing her father in Good Will Hunting, his daughter Isabella, 15, does not want to see him in the 1997 picture that catapulted him to prominence.

“She doesn’t want to see any of my movies, even if they’re fantastic.. Her favorite pastime is to give me the shite, “earlier stated Yahoo Life. “The Wall was mentioned to me by my daughter. ‘It was named The Great Wall,’ I told him. Her response: ‘Dad, the movie wasn’t very good.’ They are kept on the ground by her.”

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