Why is “The Villages” Trending on Twitter? U.S. Census: Whites Population Decreased

25 sec ago !~United-States-Census-Bureau~Redistricting-United-States+]~Census.Report++!~White.Population-! Why is “The Villages” Trending on Twitter? U.S. Census: Whites Population Decreased [The-Villages] U.S. Census: Whites Population Decreased Twitter [#The Villages ] Most Counties Lost Population| Watch Why is “The Villages” Trending on Twitter 2021 |United States Census Bureau Released data

“The Villages” are trending on Twitter since today morning just after the United States Census Bureau released population data. Already 20 thousand people Tweeted about it and counting. But, why exactly “The Village” is trending and how is it related to the Census Report?

The United States Census Bureau suggests in its report that Hispanic and Asian population in the U.S. have grown significantly and white population decreased. In the report we found that small counties and villages have become less populous.

Most counties and small villages, where white Americans are predominantly occupy majority of the population has reduced when compared to the previous report. Now, people in social media are tweeting about it with their perspective.

Since 2000, the United States has become more diverse and urbanised, while the white population has decreased, according to the Census Bureau’s publication of a trove of demographic data that will be used to redistribute the country’s political boundaries.

In a period of profound national divide and battles over voting rights, the new figures paint the most thorough picture yet of how the country has evolved since 2010. The data may help determine which party controls the House in the 2022 elections and give an electoral edge for years to come, if they prove accurate.

Look at some of the tweets going viral on Twitter.


Additionally, the data will influence how the federal government spends its roughly $1.5 trillion annually.

The data reveal that counties in the Midwest and Northeast are losing population to counties in the South and West. However, white people continue to be the most prominent racial or ethnic group, with the percentage of white people falling from 63.7 percent in 2010 to 57.8 percent in 2020. Hispanics became the largest racial or ethnic group in California, rising to 39.4% from 37.6% throughout the decade, while white people’s share decreased from 40.1 to 34.7 percent.

A census taker and a government statistician filled in any blanks when forms were not returned or questions were left unanswered. The data was compiled from forms filled out by tens of millions of Americans last year. Numerous decisions were taken during the past decade to have children, relocate across the nation or immigrate from other countries.

Since control of Congress and statehouses is at stake, states will have the first chance to redraw their political districts after this publication.

A limited number of people will be able to see for the first time how successfully the Census Bureau met its aim of counting every U.S. citizen in what many consider the most challenging once-a-decade census in recent memory.

An attempt by the Trump administration to add citizenship questions to the census form – a move opponents said would discourage immigrants and Hispanics from participating – undermined the counting even before it started. The Supreme Court halted the endeavor.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this material was initially intended to be published by March 31st.

Census Bureau had to postpone operations and prolong the count’s timetable due to a viral outbreak that occurred last year. A COVID-19-related death toll of almost 620,000 individuals in the United States will not be reflected in census statistics since it is connected to where people were on April 1, 2020.

Additionally, wildfires ravaged parts of the West and hurricanes ravaged Louisiana, making it difficult for census takers in those areas. As a result of the legal fights over the Trump administration’s attempt to terminate the count early, the schedule for ending field operations was frequently altered.

When the Census Bureau announced its state population totals for 2020, it revealed how many congressional seats each state receives.

In previous censuses, communities of colour were undercounted. Until next year, when the Census Bureau produces a survey indicating undercounts and overcounts, the bureau won’t know how well it performed. This allows researchers to perform an initial quality check, but it might also lead to litigation arguing that the data are incorrect. However, this scheme does not apply to apportionment or redistricting.

Due to a new privacy approach employed by the Census Bureau, the figures will not be completely accurate at the tiniest geographic regions for the first time. In order to safeguard people’s identities in an era of Big Data, the approach inserts controlled mistakes into the data at local geographic levels, such as neighborhood blocks.

For example, Jarmin says the method might lead to strange outcomes, such as blocks with children but no adults, or housing units that do not match the amount of people living there.

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