Why #ArrestTrumpNow and #LockHimUp is Trending on Twitter USA?

#ArrestTrumpNow is trending on Twitter since 30 July afternoon. Americans are demanding Donald Trump’s arrest. Twitter users in America are trending #LockHimUp as well. But, why? Lets find out.

Former US president Donald J. Trump is allegedly exposed of pressurizing the Justice Department to declare Election Fraud in 2020 US presidential election and said, “Leave the rest to me”. A Leaked phone call allegedly indicates Trump asking election officials to alter 2020 Election results.

Donald Trump’s Alleged Phone Conversation

Washington – According to new papers supplied to legislators, President Donald J. Trump urged top Justice Department officials late last year to proclaim that the election was fraudulent, despite the fact that they had discovered no evidence of widespread fraud.

To further his own goal, President Obama intervened in an agency that is usually autonomous of the White House. Mr. Trump’s attempt to delegitimize the election results in his closing weeks in office has been extensive.

During a phone discussion with Jeffrey A. Rosen and Richard P. Donoghue on Dec. 27, Mr. Trump pressed them on allegations of voting fraud that the Justice Department had found no proof for. Mr. Donoghue cautioned that the agency lacked the authority to alter the outcome of the polls. In response, Mr. Trump told Mr. Donoghue he had not expected that.

Mr. Donoghue summarized Mr. Trump’s answer by writing, “Just claim that the election was crooked & leave the rest to me and my congressional friends.”

Representative Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, was described as a “fighter” by Mr. Trump; Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, who at the time promoted the idea that Mr. Trump’s election had been stolen; and Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who Mr. Trump praised for “getting to the bottom of things.”

Trump’s efforts to exert pressure on the Justice Department are rebuffed by Jordan and Johnson.

a spokeswoman for Mr. Jordan, who voted to overturn election results in crucial states but minimized his participation in the president’s pressure campaign, said Mr. Jordan “did not, has not, and will not” lobby anybody at the Justice Department regarding the 2020 election. It is entirely proper for him to express concerns about election integrity, as he does with President Trump.

According to Alexa Henning, Mr. Johnson had “no talks with President Trump regarding the D.O.J. disputing election results.” Joseph R. Biden Jr. was recognized as the president-elect, but he also called for the investigation and correction of electoral irregularities in order to restore trust in future elections.

Requests for comment from Mr. Perry were not returned. Donald Trump won, he says, but he isn’t involved in the White House’s campaign to keep him in office.

Perhaps the most brazen moment of Mr. Trump’s months-long pressure campaign to engage the Justice Department in his quest to overturn the election results was his phone conversation to Attorney General Jeff Sessions on November 19.

Congress was meeting to certify the electoral college on Jan. 6 when Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol, according to emails and other documents obtained by the committee and interviews with former Trump aides.

In addition to bogus voting fraud conspiracy theories, sources claimed that Justice Department employees were frequently criticised for failing to fight hard enough for Mr. Trump.

Donoghue’s notes were submitted to the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which is examining the Trump administration’s efforts to fraudulently overturn election results. The committee is now conducting an investigation.

To avoid creating a precedent that would prohibit future administrations from honestly advising presidents out of worry that their conversations would subsequently be made public, the department has often sought to keep any accounts of private communications between a president and his cabinet secret.

To allow Congress to scrutinize Mr. Trump’s efforts to reverse the election, he has handed over notes. Mr. Rosen, Mr. Donoghue, and other former officials were also notified this week by the Biden Justice Department that they may offer unlimited testimony to investigators with the House Oversight and Reform and Senate Judiciary Committees.

Department of Justice investigators were looking into potential misconduct by a sitting president, a highly unusual scenario, according to letters written to former officials by the department of justice Invoking executive privilege over Mr. Trump’s efforts to advance his personal agenda would be improper, the government said, since executive privilege is supposed to serve the country, not the president.

Carolyn B. Maloney, a Democrat from New York and chairwoman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, said in a statement, “These handwritten notes show that President Trump instructed our nation’s top law enforcement agency to take steps to overturn a free and fair election in the final days of his presidency.”

It was clear from Mr. Trump’s meeting with both Rosen and Donoghue that he was focused only on reversing the outcome of the 2016 election. In Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona he said there was “voter fraud,” which he labelled “corrupted elections.” A pushback was given by Donoghue.

It was revealed that Mr. Donoghue had done “hundreds of investigations and hundreds of interviews” and that the department had discovered no evidence to substantiate his accusations. There is no evidence to support the accusations, according to the notes.

It found that Michigan’s error rate for ballot counting was 0.0063 percent, not the president’s claim of 68 percent; it did not find evidence of a conspiracy theory that an employee in Pennsylvania had altered ballots; and it did not find evidence of ballot fraud in Fulton County, Ga., after reviewing video and interviewing witnesses.

Undeterred, Mr. Trump has dismissed the department’s conclusions. But what about the rest of the group? Mr. Donoghue described the president’s words in his notes. To check signatures on votes, Mr. Trump requested that Mr. Donoghue go to Fulton County.

Officials must “take action” against anyone who claim that the election is free of corruption, Mr. Trump urged them. Only a short time remains.

Mr. Donoghue said at another point that the agency could swiftly verify or refute the allegation that more ballots were cast in Pennsylvania than there were registered voters in that state.

The D.O.J. “can’t and won’t” affect the outcome of the election, Mr. Donoghue wrote in his notes.

According to Mr. Trump, the Justice Department lacked evidence to justify a lawsuit over the election results. Their response was, “We are not in a position to comment on the evidence we have.” “We can only act based on the evidence that has been collected.”

According to Mr. Trump, “thousands of individuals phoned” their local U.S. attorneys to protest about the election, and “nobody trusts” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). According to him, “people are outraged and blame the Department of Justice for inaction.”

The paper states that Mr. Trump told the group, “You guys may not be as interested in the internet as I am.”

Donald Trump hinted that he should choose Jeff Clark, the interim chief of the Justice Department’s civil division, who had also urged Justice Department employees to interfere in the election, in a moment of foreboding. ‘People want me to take over the leadership of the Department of Justice,’ he says.

The response from Mr. Donoghue was, “You should have the leadership you desire.” The department’s view on widespread electoral fraud, on the other hand, would remain unchanged, he said.

It was a surprise to both Donoghue and Rosen when Perry told them that Clark had met Trump as a result of Perry’s introduction. An Oval Office showdown would follow a week later, in which they would have to battle Mr. Clark to save their positions.

“Figure out what to do” with Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, Mr. Trump said during the discussion with Justice Department officials. His statement, which violated longstanding White House norms against White House involvement in criminal investigations or other law enforcement operations, stated that “people would blame the D.O.J. if he isn’t probed properly.”

Mr. Donoghue took notes during a meeting with Justice Department officials two days after the phone chat with Mr. Trump, which also included Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows; the White House attorney, Pat Cipollone; and the White House deputy counsel, Patrick Philbin. Mr. They gathered to discuss the Italygate conspiracy theory, which alleges without evidence that persons in Italy utilized military technology to remotely meddle with voting machines in the United States.

According to conference notes and a person briefed on the discussion, Justice Department officials assured the White House that they had assigned someone to look into the problem. The department did not indicate that it was investigating the idea to disprove it, the source claimed.

However, emails obtained by Congress and interviews with former Trump administration officials show that Justice Department officials were alarmed by Mr. Trump’s behavior, particularly when he complained about U.S. attorney Byung J. Pak, who he believed was not doing enough to investigate voter fraud allegations in Atlanta.

After Mr. Donoghue informed him about the president’s scheme with Clark and about Mr. Trump’s fears about Atlanta, Mr. Pak unexpectedly resigned on Jan. 4, according to records and interviews.

Although the matter is not funny, but some creative Americans are sharing really funny meme about this matter. Check them out.


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