Why Snoop Dogg is Trending on Twitter Today? Find Out

Snoop Dogg is trending on Twitter since Saturday Afternoon. Already 20 thousand people have tweeted with the hashtag #Snoop and counting.

Snoop Dogg Commentary Olympics Peacock

The matter is, Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart delivered a recap commentary of this Olympics’ Equestrian event on Peacock channel and people find it hilarious. Twitter users are posting small clips of funny commentaries from that show and the hashtag #Snoop is trending now.

Here is a small clip of the show where Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart made the commentaries for Olympic event Equestrian. The commentaries have lot of foul language and hence rated R.

Another example of Snoop Dogg’s ability to commentate on anything and make it amusing is his r-rated coverage of the Olympics.

Kevin Hart and the rapper appeared in a Peacock special on Saturday, in which they provided comments on random Olympic video that were taken out of context.

SD’s NSFW quips, which were preceded by gangster analogies, made it a riot.

The horse in the footage that Snoop and Crip are viewing looks a lot like Crip strolling in the music video for “Drop It Like It’s Hot” Kevin… and the rest of the staff on site… laughed heartily at that one, according to reports.

When the issue of skeet shooting was brought up, he made a statement that was far more revealing.

“Let’s just say” Snoop believes in the practice — but it’s called something else in his mind. Peacock is getting raunchy, so hide the kids and protect your ears!

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